Monday, May 23, 2005


I am so waiting for the 6th book to be released. I am anxious to know what is going to happen to Harry in his 6th year at Hogwarts.

Spoiler Warning: (for people who havent read any of the first 5 books)

I cried so much when I read how Sirius died in the 5th book. I mean he was the only one left for Harry, and now he's gone too. I have read the 5th book like 7 times, and have cried everytime when I get to that part.

I just hope something happens for Harry. I have a shrewd idea that Harry and Ginny are going to get together soon. I have a strong feeling, and have had it the moment I started reading the 5th book, even though it was proved false later in the book. It would be better if Harry and Ginny started seeing each other without the knowledge of Ron, his family, or even Hermione.

And I just wish Ron and Hermione get together too. I mean how long are they going to take to figure out whats going on between them?!!

Two characters that affected me were - Luna and Snape. My opinion of Snape has totally changed after I read the 5th book, and everybody who read it must be knowing why.. I hated Snape before, and now I can actually imagine how he must have felt all this while..

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