Thursday, April 20, 2006


I don't believe in reading my fortune.. I feel it sometimes can cause adverse effects.. but right now, I read some 3 different versions of my fortune-for-the-day.. so I figure theres no way that all the 3 predictions can happen at the same time.. sometime they r so contradictory that I have a good laugh over it..

sometimes the fortunes written in a fortune cookie don't even tell ur fortune.. it gives general advice.. or says general things about who u r..
n I found this funny quote somewhere..

Found in a fortune cookie: "You are a poor, pathetic, gullible fool who seeks advice from bakery products."

well my fortune for today says: "your long-term goals will be achieved today"....
I guess this means that I would finally be doing my laundry today.. lol!!



  1. Fortune Cookies are a sourse to those small things in life where you feel happy about.Certain small things can chage your mood a lot.
    If its bad ignore it,unil u hear a good.if u dont get a good one....Then..I would say you to expect one the next day.
    That way it keeps u going...these small pleasures in life!!!

  2. u're so right niroop.. these r the things that make us look forward to each day.. it takes the monotony out of life.. :)

  3. True! But we never choose to not do it.. cos someday one fortune might come true which will make all the previous silly attempts worth!!

  4. i like reading those fortune stuff.. well it feels good if something good is written there and bad otherwise. well that's how it is supposed to be felt...

    but it is fun reading those stuff.. ha ha
    i hope your laundry is done and not procrastinated...

  5. lol!! at both the quote and ur long term goal! :)

  6. shub: he he.. grad student u c.. :)
