Monday, November 14, 2005

Sunday fundae

Sunday is totally depressing - because of all the work piled up (which I was optimistically hoping to finish by saturday).. I (uncannily enough) start philosophizing (yes there is a word like this - I just did a word search..) on sunday nights. The later it is in the night, the clearer (seemingly) my thoughts get!! It might be due to the influence of a certain friend of mine!!!


  1. hmmm power of procrastination... i'm mastering it :D

  2. I totally agree!! There is no other depressing day other than Sunday!! Almost my entire sunday is spent in cribbing that the next day is monday and I will have to get up early and go to office.

  3. "let the dead past, bury the dead;
    act, act in the living present
    trust no future however pleasant"

    -- forgot who said that.
    anyways so much for procastination, worrying abt the future and missing the joy of the present
