Monday, August 02, 2010

harry potter...

i've mentioned before on this blog about how i follow the harry potter books.. and how much i like them.. in each book something stands out (it mostly happens to be something that wise ol' dumbledore says).. and i remember it for what seems like ever..

for example, one friend was talking to me about thrill rides and what it was about them that scared people.. i said that it was probably 'the unknown'.. and then i quoted a line from one of the HP books.. "fear of death and fear of dark are nothing but fears of the unknown".. i might be rephrasing it a little bit - i forgot the actual words.. and i feel that's true.. imagine if you completely knew what was going to happen it wouldn't be that scary anymore.. thrill rides add new twists and turns that keep us guessing, any new experience scares us at first..

another one i came across just now when i was the HP1 book again.. this line always rang true to me each time i read this book (like 7 or 8 times i guess)..

"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the
next great adventure." :)

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