Monday, December 06, 2010

returning to origins

when i was younger i used to think that i would not do some things (actions, deeds - whatever you may call them) when i became older and more matured in my thinking.. because i thought some of my (then) current actions were immature... but when i became older i realized that i did the same things and the only difference was i knew exactly why i was doing them.. its hard to explain with a specific example but hope that this makes sense..

when i was younger my habits and beliefs were of one kind.. when i became older i discarded them as immature and changed to a method that made more sense to me.. and later now i see no fault in the things i was doing in the first place but much the wiser for my experience...

i guess i'm rambling - but i'm reading this book 'Eat Pray Love' and every time i read some of the author's observations that i can completely relate to it gets me thinking in these terms..

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