Thursday, November 24, 2005


I had the best night-out ever. Watched 3 hindi movies in a row, with friends. Didn't sleep all night!!!! Man! Once in a while, I think I should do this to charge up my batteries... hmmm.. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sunday fundae

Sunday is totally depressing - because of all the work piled up (which I was optimistically hoping to finish by saturday).. I (uncannily enough) start philosophizing (yes there is a word like this - I just did a word search..) on sunday nights. The later it is in the night, the clearer (seemingly) my thoughts get!! It might be due to the influence of a certain friend of mine!!!


Walking alone, doing things alone always has a certain appeal always. To the best of my knowledge, even psychological reports indicate that everybody has to give himself/herself about one hour of lone time, to think by themselves. It helps them go over all the incidents that happened to them, and become wiser! ;)

I love a lone walk somewhere - anywhere. I just took a walk outside in the middle of the night by myself (it was tooooo cold!), but it was refreshing.. No thought is at once so exhilarating and so depressing as the thought that you are alone in this world.. hmmmm :)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Practicality 101

A crash course! I think being more practical is a pessimist's way of life, being grim and sober about life.. Cynical and what-not..

If u don't expect something (anything) good to happen to you, and if it happens - u r happy. If not, it doesn't matter because you were not expecting it in the first place. Thats the advantage of pessimism.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Power of Procrastination

PhD Comics

This guy just rocks! I started reading the comics one day last week, and was so hooked on to it, that I finished all 645 or something strips that he has published till date within the next 36 hours!! I didn't study for my midterms or do my homework or anything!! I think I have it in me to do a PhD! LOL! :-))

Council over the pillow

Its totally overrated. Everytime I have anything akin to a shuteye, I get up thinking whatever I talked or decided before I went to sleep was all rubbish. So I think if I have a bright idea ever again, I'll just go ahead and do it right then. If I sleep over it, more often than not, I chuck it!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Catcher in the rye

That one still haunts me.. It was a sad story - though it told nothing more a day or two in the life of a college-going guy.. the situation that he was placed in didnt actually make it sad, but his observation about the people around him did.. And the scary part was that I totally related with him, and he was going to end up in a loony bin!

I totally enjoyed his rantings about New York. Its a lovely place - i know not the safest place, but u get a more independent attitude towards life.. man! i loved that city..


I'm not a big travel buff, but I just thought how nice it would be to travel in an old-fashioned train with windows that you can open to let in the air! Read a book, or just sit by the window watching the nature around you... Listen to some nice music - there are some songs that go well with the picture...hmmm

yet here i am sitting at home, not feeling sleepy (that was because of the strong tea i had. i though i'd give my roomie some company while she drank her tea and studied for her midterm.. mine just got over today!), thinking of when i can go home, and other nice things..