Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Spoiler Warning!!

I didn't think it was the best of J K Rowling's books. It was a slight bit of disappointment for me. The main reason was because Dumbledore died. I had an intuition that it was going to happen. The other reason is that it had nothing drastically new to tell.

The plus points are of course - Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, more knowledge about the past life of Voldemort and about Horcruxes. But on the whole it was a darker book, and lacked a lot of funny stuff I usually like. I agree that life has gotten more complicated for Harry, but that doesnt mean there is no space for some good times. About Harry and Ginny, I had already mentioned my views in this blog before I read the book.

Now I would like to predict another thing that will happen in book 7. Snape will not turn out bad. He has never stopped being true to Dumbledore. He had to kill Dumbledore, because he had made the Unbreakable Vow, and he had made the Unbreakable Vow because he had to prove to Voldemort and his followers that he was indeed a true confidant of the Death Eaters. He had Narcissa already convinced, and helped clear some doubts about him in the mind of Bellatrix also. You may ask, did he really need to kill Dumbledore to prove that? And the answer is.. well! somebody would have killed Dumbledore one way or the other. Even if Draco was scared, Fenrir or one of the others would have done the job. By doing it himself, Snape protected himself from the Unbreakable Vow and reinstated his reputation in the eyes of Voldemort. I think he is going to help Harry a lot in the next book. And this Horcrux thing sounds a lot interesting.

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